till now, there are about 30 factories cooperate with menbank from different city in china, containing glass container, plastic container, metal and plastic closure, carton, label and other relative products. so we can provide what you want.
menbank handles all the logistic such as finding the right factory, negotiating prices, overseeing the tooling and factory production, quality inspections, shipping and DEL ivery. in fact, you just need to pay money, inform your requirement, inspected and approved after received the goods in your warehouse.
with 24h work time, menbank employees can manage your overseas manufacturing- so you can focus on growing your business. call today.
口号: always at your service.
徐州麦邦克包装材料有限公司是一家专业从事玻璃包装产品研发销售的企业,公司主营产品为oz瓶、膏霜瓶、精油瓶、波斯顿、储物罐、梅森罐以及特殊定制类等产品,公司以为国内外客户提供质优的产品和满意的服务为宗旨,以共赢为核心指导思想为客户提供整套质优的解决方案,为更好的服务于客户,公司可提供从产品设计、开模、试样、生产、抛光、高、低温丝印、蒙砂、烫金,喷涂、电镀到交货等一系列专业的、配套的、一条龙服务,为满足广大客商需求,本司还提供相关的配套配件:塑料盖、梅森盖、电化铝盖、喷头、瓶肩、滴管、垫片等服务。公司本着务实、诚信的经营理念,始终坚持以高质量的产品满足市场的需求,秉承用户至上的宗旨因我们对产品质量的高度负责,使我们的产品在同行业市场竞争中得到广大用户的认可,赞同。 咨询电话:15162127730焦先生 qq:928539474 微信 :15162127730
- 快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)
- 徐州